
About Me
All About Vet Supplies and Equipment

Hi there. My name is Taylor Polk. Welcome to my website. I am here to talk to you about the supplies and equipment used by vets in taking care of dogs, cats and other animals. I will share information about the diagnostic equipment used to identify the illnesses and injuries affecting animals of all kinds. I will also cover the supplies used in the treatments of all the most common conditions handled by veterinarians. Please feel free to come by my site daily to learn all you need to know about vet care equipment and supplies. Thank you for coming by.


3 Essential Tips For Keeping A New Puppy Happy And Healthy

16 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Do you have or are you thinking about getting a puppy for your family? Are you doing research to find out what you'll need to do to keep your furry friend happy and healthy? While owning a dog isn't the most difficult thing that you'll ever do, there are still a number of challenges and things that you need to know about. Keeping a dog can be a huge responsibility, one that you'll want to take seriously if you expect to have the most success. Read More …

Why Obesity Is Dangerous For Your Cat And How To Get Your Cat In Shape

12 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Just like humans, cats can become obese due to a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet. Obesity is dangerous for your cat since it leads to a variety of health complications and can shorten your cat's life. Plus, your cat may not have energy or feel well when carrying too much weight around. Here are some serious complications of obesity in cats and how a veterinarian might help get your cat back in shape. Read More …

Taking in a Rescue Puppy: A Guide for Foundational Health

9 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you adopt a puppy from a bad situation or from a country shelter, the puppy might need more work than you might expect, especially to make sure that they have everything they need to be healthy and strong as they grow. Puppy mills, abusive homes, or neglectful situations can have some negative effects on your puppy's health. Follow this guide to get your pup back on track to develop into a great family dog. Read More …

Three Tips To Protect Your Puppy From Parvo

1 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Parvo is a serious concern for those that have recently brought a puppy into their family. This virus can be deadly, particularly to young dogs. Symptoms of parvo include fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. Puppies are generally exposed to it through other dogs, such as on walks, at dog parks, at grooming or boarding facilities, or through contact with other pets in the household. Fortunately, there is a vaccine for parvo, so it is generally only a concern until your puppy has completed their parvo vaccination series. Read More …

Tips For Clipping Your Dog’s Nails

29 March 2019
 Categories: , Blog

When your dog plays on the driveway, runs down the sidewalk or any other hard surface, their nails are naturally filed. However, some dogs' nails grow faster than others or they do not get enough time on your sidewalk or driveway. If this occurs, clipping your dog's nails is the best way to ensure their nails don't hamper their ability to run and play or cause them any discomfort. Here are a few tips to help you successfully clip your dog's nails. Read More …