Why Obesity Is Dangerous For Your Cat And How To Get Your Cat In Shape

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Why Obesity Is Dangerous For Your Cat And How To Get Your Cat In Shape

12 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Just like humans, cats can become obese due to a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet. Obesity is dangerous for your cat since it leads to a variety of health complications and can shorten your cat's life. Plus, your cat may not have energy or feel well when carrying too much weight around. Here are some serious complications of obesity in cats and how a veterinarian might help get your cat back in shape.

Medical Problems Caused By Obesity In Cats

Your cat might develop joint problems from carrying around excess weight. This can lead to pain when walking and jumping, and that can cause your cat to become even more sedentary.

Your cat's cardiovascular system could also be impacted, and your cat could develop diabetes. Both of these are serious medical problems that require medical treatments. You might have to give your cat insulin injections if diabetes develops.

Your vet may want to check your cat for various medical conditions when obesity is apparent. There could be thyroid problems that need to be diagnosed and treated so your cat has a healthier and happier life.

Noticing obesity in cats isn't always as easy as just looking at your cat since different breeds of cats carry different amounts of body weight. This is one reason regular visits to a veterinarian are important during your cat's life. Besides having vaccinations, a vet will monitor your cat's weight and help prevent obesity with advice on nutrition and exercise.

Treatments For Feline Obesity

Treatment for obesity in your cat might involve treating an underlying medical condition such as thyroid disease. If no medical problem is present, then diet and exercise are the main ways to help your cat lose weight.

However, diet changes have to be made gradually, or you could cause other health complications in your cat. Your veterinarian will recommend the right food to feed your cat, which might be a low carb option, especially if your cat is developing diabetes.

Timing of feeding might be encouraged rather than allowing your cat to nibble at food all day. Your veterinarian might also recommend the exact amount to feed your cat daily and slowly decrease the amount until your cat is eating the appropriate amount of calories.

Keeping your cat active in order to burn calories might be difficult because you'll probably need to spend more time playing with your cat, and your cat may be used to a lazy lifestyle. Buy your cat toys, a climbing condo, or scratching post to encourage activity.

As your cat loses weight and starts being active, energy will improve so your cat feels like doing more as time goes on. It's possible to get your cat at a healthy weight and improve fitness, but it has to be done slowly so the health of your cat isn't affected negatively.

Your veterinarian may want to monitor your cat more frequently while on a weight loss program to ensure your cat stays healthy. For more information, contact a veterinarian clinic such as Parkview Animal Hospital.