
About Me
All About Vet Supplies and Equipment

Hi there. My name is Taylor Polk. Welcome to my website. I am here to talk to you about the supplies and equipment used by vets in taking care of dogs, cats and other animals. I will share information about the diagnostic equipment used to identify the illnesses and injuries affecting animals of all kinds. I will also cover the supplies used in the treatments of all the most common conditions handled by veterinarians. Please feel free to come by my site daily to learn all you need to know about vet care equipment and supplies. Thank you for coming by.


Ways That Your Vet May React After You Get A DNA Test For Your Dog

21 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

You've likely heard about DNA testing that will provide answers about your ancestry, and it's possible that you've even taken one of these tests. A type of DNA test that you may not be familiar with is a canine DNA test. This test takes place in a similar manner — you get a kit in the mail that contains a swab, which you run along the inside of your pet's mouth and return to the testing company. Read More …

5 Reasons To Use A Dog Boarding Day Care

27 September 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you have a dog or a couple of dogs, you need to know about dog day care! Dog day care provides you with a place to send your dog for a few hours or a whole day when you can't take care of your dog for whatever reasons. Most dog day cares also board dogs when you go on a vacation. There are lots of reasons why a dog day care can be useful to both you and your dog. Read More …

Here’s Why Human Food Isn’t Safe For Your Cat

15 August 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Sharing morsels of your dinner with your cat might seem like a sweet thing to do, but it could have unintended consequences. Human food often isn't safe for cats to eat for a wide variety of reasons. Here are the three most common ones. Spices Spice is everywhere in food. It's used to add flavor, after all, but it doesn't serve much of a purpose otherwise. While the taste might be enticing to your cat, that doesn't mean that it's good for them. Read More …

The Lowdown On High-Rise Syndrome: What It Is And Why It’s A Potential Threat To Your Cat

16 July 2019
 Categories: , Blog

With warmer weather, you might enjoy leaving your windows open, but if you have a cat, this could be very dangerous. Contrary to the popular saying, cats don't really have nine lives, nor are they capable of falling from any height and landing on their feet. Open windows that aren't accompanied by secure screens are a serious threat to felines and something every cat owner should be aware of. What High-Rise Syndrome Means At An Animal Hospital Read More …

How To Help Your Dog If He Ingests Poison

29 May 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Dogs are pretty curious animals and can get into just about anything. If your dog likes to chew on things he shouldn't or get into things he shouldn't, chances are pretty good that he could end up eating or drinking something that may end up being poisonous. If your dog does ingest something poisonous, you should know what to do and how to help your dog so that he can get the treatment he needs to be back to his healthy, curious self again. Read More …