Ways That Your Vet May React After You Get A DNA Test For Your Dog

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Ways That Your Vet May React After You Get A DNA Test For Your Dog

21 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

You've likely heard about DNA testing that will provide answers about your ancestry, and it's possible that you've even taken one of these tests. A type of DNA test that you may not be familiar with is a canine DNA test. This test takes place in a similar manner — you get a kit in the mail that contains a swab, which you run along the inside of your pet's mouth and return to the testing company. Before long, you'll get an email with some results that will shed light on your dog's breed and the health issues to which it may be predisposed. Canine DNA testing companies recommend that customers share these results with their veterinarians. Upon doing so, your vet may react in one of these ways.

Run Some Tests

A canine DNA test can reveal that your pet may be predisposed to certain medical issues. Various breeds have higher risks of certain health complications, especially as they age, so this is something that owners can benefit from knowing. When you share the results of your canine DNA test with your veterinarian, he or she may elect to run some tests to further assess your animal. The tests could include blood tests or various scans, either of which can shed further light on the health of your four-legged family member.

Address Your Concerns

As a pet owner, you obviously want your canine DNA test results to show that your pet has a good likelihood of living a long time with a low risk of various ailments. Unfortunately, this isn't always true — and this can mean that upon reading the results of the test, you have a number of questions and concerns. It's a good idea to share the test results with your vet soon after you receive them and then schedule a follow-up appointment afterward. You'll undoubtedly have some questions for the vet, who can provide additional information to alleviate your worries.

Provide Lifestyle Tips

Often, future health complications can be preventable by taking careful steps now. Upon going through the results of your canine DNA test, the veterinarian will want to talk to you about the various lifestyle changes that you can make for your dog. For example, if your dog is at a higher risk of joint problems in old age, your veterinary professional will stress the importance of weight maintenance. This can mean that he or she recommends a certain type of dog food, implores you not to give your dog snacks, and encourages regular exercise.

Talk with a veterinarian to learn more.