3 Essential Tips For Keeping A New Puppy Happy And Healthy

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3 Essential Tips For Keeping A New Puppy Happy And Healthy

16 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Do you have or are you thinking about getting a puppy for your family? Are you doing research to find out what you'll need to do to keep your furry friend happy and healthy? While owning a dog isn't the most difficult thing that you'll ever do, there are still a number of challenges and things that you need to know about. Keeping a dog can be a huge responsibility, one that you'll want to take seriously if you expect to have the most success. Some things that you may not already know about your newest family member include:

No bones: In cartoons, dogs are always chewing on bones. Actual dogs love chewing on bones. So that must make it okay, right? Not exactly. If you want to avoid rushing to the animal hospital in the middle of the night, you should never give your dog leftover bones from dinner. Cooked bones, especially poultry bones, are likely to shatter into sharp splinters when gnawed on. Eating these shards may not result in any issues, but there's also a significant chance that one of these shards will pierce your dog's stomach or intestine and potentially cause death. Talk to your vet about safe treat options that you can give to your dog.

Know your plants: While cats are perhaps the most well-known for destroying and sometimes eating random plants, this is also a behavior that you can find in dogs. If you plan to leave your dog outside, unattended, for any length of time, you'll want to make sure that your yard has no plants that could be harmful to dogs if ingested. Inside, you should move any potted plants as far out of reach as possible. While not all dogs will gnaw on leaves or even sticks, you should still consult with a veterinarian at your local animal hospital to ensure that your plants are all safe ones for your canine companion to be around.

Beware electrical cords: Many dogs, even adult dogs, will chew on just about anything that can fit into their mouths. This can, unfortunately, include electrical cords that are plugged into the wall. Whenever possible, you should unplug or conceal these cords so that they're either not a temptation or won't cause any harm if chewed on. If you do notice that an electrical cord has been chewed on by your dog, you should take him or her to the nearest animal hospital immediately. Electrical burns can be fatal to a dog and aren't always externally visible, especially to someone who isn't a veterinarian. 

For more help, contact an Animal Emergency Clinic.